Friday, May 25, 2012

13 Months

Nolan turned 13 months a couple weeks ago. I cant believe we are on our way to 2 years old now. This was a bit of a rough month as Nolan decided he wasn't going to sleep much. He was up every couple hours at night and it would take him a while to get back down. There were a couple nights Ryan or I ended up falling asleep on his bedroom floor with him because it was the only way he would sleep. He also wasn't taking naps during the day either so there was not a lot of sleep around our house! We had been rocking him to sleep and decided we were going to put him in the crib awake and let him fall asleep on his own to see if it helped. We started by putting him in his crib and sitting on the floor next to him so he would know we were still there. He would cry for about 30 minutes the first week we were doing this but now he falls asleep great on his own in about 10 minutes and sleeps straight through the night for about 11 hours. We also decided to move him from 2 naps a day to 1 and it seems to be working great as he went from two 45 minute naps to one 2 1/2-3 hour nap. Fingers crossed he keeps this going moving forward!
We also transitioned him from formula to whole milk. When he first started on milk he wasn't pooping, but all seems to be back on track now. We also feed him pretty much what we are eating at every meal and he loves to eat! We have not found a food he doesn't like yet. He usually splits and english muffin with me in the morning before I leave for work. Then he will have oatmeal and banana for breakfast. Some of his favorites for lunch and dinner are blueberry waffles, eggs, and pasta!

Bath time is one of his favorite times!

 Now that the weather is nice, we have been spending a lot of time outside at the park. Nolan loves the swings!
 Checking out the dandelions

 Ryan and Nolan went to a New Britain Rock Cats game one day

 Enjoying some watermelon

 Dad built me my own house out of a big box!

 Nathan is all tired out thanks to Nolan!
Hanging out in his house again!
13 months old today!

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